What if I’ve never skated before?
No experience necessary! Some members have been skating since they were little; some learned to skate once they joined roller derby. We’ll teach you the rules of roller derby and how to be skate.
How do I join the team?
Get in contact with us. We’ll invite you to a practice so you can see what it’s like. We’ll talk to you about our practice schedule and where to get your first set of gear.
I don’t want to skate, but I want to get involved.
We are always in need of volunteers, especially during our bout season. We need refs, NSOs (non-skating officials), and people to work merch, tickets, and more. If you’re interested in volunteering, please contact us.

Roller Derby 101
Starts January 2019
Start skating strong and sign up for our Fresh Meat Boot Camp! This 6-week training program is a great introduction to derby and staying safe on skates.
Learn more about dates, cost, and equipment here:
Email us at [email protected] to learn more. We’re happy to answer any and all questions.